Talent, performance, goal planning, learning, and skill development

Articles (6)

Pinned Article IC HR Cloud: Performance Review for Employees

Performance Reviews will now be completed using the IC HR Cloud platform. This article contains detailed instructions for employees completing self-evaluations in IC HR Cloud.

Pinned Article IC HR Cloud: Performance Review for Supervisors

For supervisors with direct reports, instructions on how to complete the annual Performance Review process for each employee are detailed in this article.

Anytime Feedback

Want to give kudos to an employee for a job well done, or to provide feedback on an employee's work, projects, or success? You can provide feedback to any employee directly through IC HR Cloud.

Employee Check-ins: Conversation Starters

Questions and conversation starters for managers for engaging and productive employee checkins.

Performance Review: Submitting Participant Feedback as a Student Employee

During the Performance Review Process for Ithaca College staff members, student employees may be asked to provide feedback on their student employment supervisor. This guide will provide information to student employees who may be requested to provide feedback during the performance review process.

Skills and Qualifications

The Skills and Qualifications app allows you to build and manage your personal talent profile, with content such as your skills, degrees, languages, memberships, certifications, and more.