How Can I Move Items from One Reading List to Another?

Tags leganto


This article is intended for faculty.


Leganto Reading List (Course Readings) and Canvas

How to Move Individual Items to Another List

In the case that you have accidentally added an item to the wrong list or would like quickly copy it onto another reading list, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the ellipses directly to the right of the item that you would like to move.
  2. Click on the option "Copy to my collection."
  3. Next, click on "My Lists" on the left sidebar of Leganto to access your other reading list. Enter the list that you want to copy the item to.
  4. Inside the other reading list, click on the blue "+" to add an item.
  5. In the right sidebar, click on My Collection to display the items you have added to your collection.
  6. Click and drag the desired item into your second reading list.

How to Move an Entire Section to Another List

  1. Click on the ellipses directly to the right of the section that you would like to move.
  2. Click the option "Copy section."
  3. You will be prompted to rename the section and choose the reading list that you would like to add the section to.
  4. Click "confirm." The section has now been copied to your second reading list.
  5. If you no longer want this section to be in the current reading list, you can delete it and all of the contents in it by clicking on the ellipses and clicking "Delete Section."


Article ID: 451
Fri 9/14/18 4:56 PM
Tue 2/1/22 5:01 PM