Low disk space on your windows computer

Struggling with low disk space on your Windows computer? Here are practical steps to tackle the issue:

Disk Cleanup Utility:

Start by running the Disk Cleanup utility. It identifies and clears out unnecessary files like temporary files, cache, and system files.

Uninstall Unused Programs:

Head to Settings and uninstall any applications you no longer use.

Move or Delete Large Files:

Locate and manage large files or folders taking up significant disk space. Consider transferring them to external storage or deleting them if they're no longer needed.

Storage Sense (Windows 10 and later):

Make use of Storage Sense, a built-in feature that automatically frees up space by deleting temporary files and clearing the Recycle Bin.

Clear Temporary Files:

Manually remove temporary files generated by applications and browsing sessions.

Utilize External Storage:

Leverage external storage options such as USB drives or cloud storage services such as OneDrive to store files you don't frequently access.


Article ID: 1612
Thu 2/15/24 11:19 AM
Thu 2/15/24 11:31 AM

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