Basic Navigation and Approvals

Introductory Guides for Using IC Finance Cloud and Details Pertaining to Approval Workflows

Articles (3)

Pinned Article Overview of IC Finance Cloud

IC Finance Cloud is Ithaca College's streamlined, modern, cloud-based financial software. It is used for all financial functions previously performed in Parnassus, along with external tools including EZ Pay, IC Marketplace, and BudgetPak. This article contains a basic overview of the purpose of this platform and how to navigate within it.

Approvals in IC Finance Cloud

Approval chains for transactions in IC Finance Cloud vary by transaction type. This article contains instructions for managing your approvals, as well as information on how transactions are routed for approval in IC Finance Cloud.

Out of Office and Rerouting Approvals

Approvals in IC Finance and HR Cloud can be routed automatically by an approver to another employee, either for a specific approval type, or for all approvals during an out-of-office period. Follow the instructions in this article to set up your approvals to be routed to another employee.